Bad dental habits might be crippling your oral health without you even realizing it. No matter how much you brush and floss your teeth, these habits can spell disaster for your overall dental health. Here are three common bad habits and the dental issues they can cause.
So many people like to chew ice without realizing how bad it is for your teeth. It doesn’t take much pressure to crack or chip your tooth, and biting down on an ice cube can do more damage than you might think. Not only that, but the ice shards can puncture your gums and cause scrapes or cuts to the soft tissue in your mouth.
Try to sip soda or water through a straw to reduce the contact the ice has with your teeth, helping you cut back on the temptation to chew on it.
While your nails are probably not hard enough to crack or chip your tooth on their own, the constant chewing motion wears away the enamel of your teeth and makes them more susceptible to damage in the long run.
If you have trouble breaking the habit, try painting your nails with a bad-tasting nail polish to make you more aware. You can also try putting Band-Aids over your fingertips to prevent yourself from reaching the nail.
Store-bought whitening treatments might work, but the side effects aren’t worth the risk. The chemicals they contain can cause tooth and gum sensitivity that’s not always reversible. Using these treatments too frequently can cause additional damage to your teeth. If you’re interested in teeth whitening, opt for a professional, in-office procedure to get the best results without the side effects.
At Bella Smiles Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, your oral health is our top priority. Call our office to book an appointment for a checkup or cleaning today!