Can You Get A Tooth Extraction While Pregnant?

Can You Get A Tooth Extraction While Pregnant?

Feb 01, 2023

Pregnancy comes with both good and bad changes. For instance, the constant hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy increase your risk of oral issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and dry mouth.

Unfortunately, these issues can cause further oral problems like tooth and jaw pain, swelling, and poor aesthetics, necessitating tooth extraction. In contrast, tooth extraction is not a convenient option for everyone. However, sometimes it may be the only remedy.

Most dental procedures like tooth extraction are mainly bothersome during pregnancy. Also, there is a lot of misinformation about the safety of dental procedures during pregnancy. It leaves you wondering whether tooth extraction is safe for you and your unborn child. Keep reading to find out!

Is Tooth Extraction During Pregnancy Safe?

According to the ADA and other health agencies, tooth extraction during pregnancy can be performed safely. However, whether you should get an extraction during pregnancy may depend on several factors.

For instance, tooth infections and other dental problems can worsen and lead to further issues if not treated. In such a case, tooth extraction is necessary to stop the infection and protect oral health.

Wisdom teeth removal while pregnant may also be necessary to eliminate pain and prevent further jaw problems. The benefits of performing the extraction outweigh the minor risks associated with the procedure.

However, a general dentist near you may not recommend tooth extraction during pregnancy for cosmetic reasons. Most dentists and health agencies advise against cosmetic dental procedures like tooth extraction and teeth whitening during pregnancy. Since cosmetic dental issues are unlikely to result in secondary problems, you can wait until you deliver to have cosmetic treatments.

Similarly, dentists may determine whether tooth extraction is safe based on the stage of the pregnancy. A dentist might recommend against tooth extraction during the first trimester when the fetus is mainly developing.

Tooth extractions are commonly recommended during the second trimester when the fetus has already developed. If possible, dentists don’t recommend tooth extractions in the third trimester. Unless it’s an emergency, they may recommend waiting until you give birth to have the tooth extracted.

Tooth Extraction Safety Measures During Pregnancy

Regardless of the trimester of your pregnancy, if a tooth extraction is necessary, the dentist in Sugar Land will take the required measures and precautions to ensure your and your unborn child’s safety. These can include:

  • Covering the rest of your body with a lead apron to protect you and your unborn baby during X-rays
  • Using safe forms of sedations and continually monitoring your vitals during the procedure
  • Prescribing pain and antibiotic medications to manage post-extraction side effects

When Can You Need a Tooth Extraction During Pregnancy?

Some dental issues can affect oral comfort and health if not resolved. Since your mouth and body are connected, untreated oral problems can also affect you and your unborn child. For instance, untreated oral infections have been linked to pregnancy issues like premature births and low birth weights.

Signs you may need tooth extraction while pregnant include:

  • Severe tooth or gum pain that affects your routine
  • Risk of further infections
  • Risk of permanent damage to the gums or teeth
  • Difficulty speaking or chewing food
  • Red, swollen, bleeding, or sensitive gums
  • A severely decayed or damaged tooth
  • An impacted wisdom tooth or overcrowding that causes pain and other symptoms
  • Severe sensitivity to heat, cold, or sugar

When you visit our dentist for treatment, they will examine your condition to determine the best solution. In most cases, you can correct dental issues with restorative treatments like dental crowns and fillings.

Tooth extractions are only necessary when a tooth is severely damaged or impacted or to eliminate overcrowding or misalignments. If your dental problems are cosmetic and don’t cause oral discomfort or concerns, it’s best to wait until the baby is born to remove your tooth.

Prevention is Key

Fortunately, you can avoid most dental problems that require tooth extraction. Use these tips to maintain good dental health:

  • Brush and floss daily.
  • Avoid damaging habits like chewing pens, ice, and nails.
  • Avoid chewing hard and crunchy food items.
  • Eat tooth-healthy foods and hydrate well.
  • Schedule routine dental cleanings and check-ups.
  • Avoid abrasive oral products/

Schedule an Appointment Today

For more information about tooth extraction in Sugar Land, TX, contact Bella Smiles Cosmetic and Family Dentistry.

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