What Precisely Constitutes As a Dental Emergency?

What Precisely Constitutes As a Dental Emergency?

Nov 01, 2019

Medical emergencies can occur at any time but most people are aware when they need to seek emergency services. There is however a grey area on the types of mishaps that qualify for an emergency visit to a service provider. If you are facing what you believe is a dental emergency you can discuss the matter with the dentist near you to understand whether you need to contact a dental emergency in Ajax Ontario immediately or can it wait until your next appointment.

What Can Be Considered As a Dental Emergency?

If you are suffering from a toothache or sensitivity in your teeth you cannot consider these issues as dental emergencies. They certainly need to be looked at but do not need immediate attention from emergency dentistry. It is your responsibility to have information about these matters to understand whether the problem you are facing needs immediate treatment or can wait until your next appointment with the dentist. In some cases, it may be better to have the dentist intervene in the problem for providing an immediate fix perhaps to restore the tooth or treat the infection to improve your oral health.

Tooth Fractures Need Emergency Care

Many people do not consider contacting their dentist beyond office hours if they are only dealing with minor problems. However, dentists are frequently receiving calls from patients for the most common emergency in the form of a displaced or a fractured tooth.

A tooth fracture can happen in many different ways such as falling off from a bicycle or becoming involved in contact sports. A tooth can crack even after a dental procedure like a root canal. Taking preventive action when playing contact sports is suggested by dentists for preventing traumatic injuries. The measures can include wearing a mouthguard to significantly lower the risks of damaging teeth from collisions and falls. However, people that managed to displace or break their teeth are advised to consider this as a dental emergency that needs attention from dentist L1Z 0T4 at the earliest.

Dental Emergencies Can Also Be In the Form of Oral Infections

Some Serious oral infections can also be considered as a dental emergency. Infections like cold sores and gingivitis need medical attention but do not constitute emergencies. However, if swelling is observed around the jawline or under the mouth which is also causing difficulties with breathing and swallowing it can be a sign of Ludwig’s Angina. This is an infection that occurs on the floor of the mouth below the tongue. This is a condition that requires emergency care as the bacteria from the infection can move from the oral cavity to the pericardial tissue around the heart. However, this cannot be considered a dental emergency because it needs attention from a medical professional.

Infections of other types that are painful and even interfere with the sleep after receiving treatment from over-the-counter medication would be a reason to contact dentist Ajax ON immediately. It must be understood that such infections are typically in advanced stages which would have been treated easily if you had visited your dentist earlier. Dentists recommend scheduling a dental appointment whenever people feel pain in their oral cavities because it is the best stage to provide preventive medicine rather than have the patient undergo emergency dental care. These conditions are best managed when people do not overlook the need to visit their dentist at least twice a year for examinations and cleanings as the visits can help them to understand whether they are likely to encounter a dental emergency soon.

Dental emergencies are not incidents of minor problems that people may encounter when conducting their daily activities. Some bleeding from the gums or lips cannot be considered as a dental emergency. However, the bleeding should not be ignored because it could be an indication of a major issue that could affect the mouth of the people. A minor injury can also attract bacteria in the mouth and lead to infections. People need to be able to determine the difference between a dental emergency and a minor injury. While they cannot treat every injury as an emergency they must also ensure that they take proper care of their oral hygiene by maintaining their biannual visits to their dentist to report any or all problems they had faced or are facing and receive the treatment needed.

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