Emergencies can happen at any time, whether you are prepared or not. There are several ways to handle an emergency, but there are some things to avoid. A dental emergency is treated the same as any emergency here at Bella Smiles, so call us if you experience an emergency. An emergency dentist in Sugar Land, TX can fix your teeth and treat any dental situations you may encounter.
What Not to Do
- Panic: It is important to avoid panicking in emergency situations. The pain of a dental injury can be scary, but you should try to stay calm and take note of any symptoms you are experiencing so that you can contact your dentist with the appropriate information.
- Wait: A dental emergency can get worse if you put off treatment. Sleeping, eating, and other activities can cause further damage and injury to the affected teeth, so it is necessary to get treatment as soon as possible.
- Do it yourself: Do not try to correct your dental injury on your own. A professional dentist is the only way to effectively and safely treat a dental injury of any kind.
- Deal with the pain: Visiting the dentist may seem as though it is an inconvenience, but when it comes to your dental health it is the best thing you can do. Dealing with the side effects of an injury can cause even more discomfort and damage, so make sure to get treatment. Waiting will only prolong the pain and discomfort and make injuries worse with time and activity.
Your Emergency Dentist in Sugar Land, TX
Emergencies can come in many forms. Obvious injuries, such as broken teeth, are common and often due to activities like sports and eating hard foods. Severe pain, headaches, and tooth sensitivity are also some symptoms you may experience. These dental emergencies can be handled by a dental professional in your area to prevent ongoing damage and decay. The type of dental emergency you have does not matter. We will address the problem and treat it quickly and effectively.